Monday, September 20, 2010

Sweet tooth and Sweet memories

There are somethings in life that when you hear, see, touch or taste them, you are immediately overwhelmed with emotions. Sometimes those emotions are good and sometimes they are bad. In this case they are good! My sister just came back from Mexico where she celebrated Mexico's 200 years of Independence. She came home with some of my favorite goodies that both satisfy my tummy and my soul. If only you could see the cheesy grin I had on my face as she showed me my gifts. It is funny, but I have an emotional attachment to each treat, for example; Zucaritas or as we know them here in the U.S Frosted Flakes. They remind me of my dad because it's what he called them know matter what language the box was in. You are probably thinking why wouldn't I just buy a box of Frosted Flakes at the supermarket? well it's because they wouldn't say "Zucaritas," and for me that's the whole point! Little things like this also take me back to those days when all I worried about was a cavity. And just when you feel like you need a break from your hectic life, you are surprised with things like this that all of a sudden make everything better. In honor of my childhood, I toast with a bowl of Zucaritas!

With &hearts D

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